Advertising and marketing your business is critical to your success and it can be an expensive undertaking. The Woodstock Chamber and Real Woodstock try to offer members and local businesses affordable collaborative advertising opportunities throughout the year.
Chamber Community Guide

8,000 copies of the annual Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry Community Guide are produced in Jan/Feb each year and distributed as an insert in the Northwest Herald plus available year-round at local businesses, City of Woodstock offices and the Chamber Visitor Center. We also distribute the guide at various community events. All chamber members are listed in the business directory pages and special advertising rates are available for Chamber members, however any business may become an advertiser. Contact the chamber office if you are interested in becoming an advertiser and we will have Mark Solak from the Northwest Herald contact you when he starts the next community guide edition.
Chamber Website
The Chamber website is a valuable tool for member businesses when actively used. Logging into your account to keep company information up to date is critical. The website offers you several ways to promote your business for free as part of your membership as well as for additional fees. You can pick and choose how visible you wish to be on the Chamber website which is visited by over 5,000 users each month. Contact the Chamber office at (815) 338-2436 to schedule your one-on-one website "How To" training session. Take advantage of the following website tools to make the most of your membership.

Real Woodstock Website
The Real Woodstock website is another high visibility platform providing visitors and residents information about local businesses and events happening in Woodstock. Make sure you take advantage of this free opportunity to promote your business and events. Add the Real Woodstock logo and website link to your website to help your customers stay informed about what's happening in Woodstock!
- List your Business on the Real Woodstock Website
- List your event on the Real Woodstock Website
- Download the Real Woodstock Logo to Add to Your Website
Welcome Home - New Resident Gift Bags

Real Woodstock, The Woodstock Area Chamber and The City of Woodstock have partnered with the local business community to extend a warm welcome to new residents in Woodstock! Every month welcome home postcards are send out to new residents inviting them into the visitor center to pick up a house warming gift - a Real Woodstock insulated reusable tote (perfect for some farmers market shopping!) filled with giveaways and special offers from local businesses. Businesses can participate as often as you like, no minimum quantity required. We just ask that you get the item you wish to add to the gift bag approved by us first, so we don't have duplicates!